designed to make everyday carry smarter.
designed to be the go-to bag when travelling across the street or across the continent. made using high quality nappa leather, it is both soft and spacious at the same time. the backside is made using perforated leather which ensures better grip while allowing air flow to reduce heat build up. the adjustable strap is similar to car seat belts, smooth and so strong that your life can depend on it. comes with card slots inside so you can carry your cards safe and secure. also, a cool hidden pocket in the back for those important documents like your passport.
product features:
made with high quality nappa leather.
backside is made using perforated leather to allow better air circulation.
card slots inside for easy use.
car seat belt like adustable strap.
inside zipped pocket to store items more securely.
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₹1,850.00 Regular Price
₹1,650.00Sale Price
Taxes Included |
Colours: Premium Black Leather
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India. mostly ships on the same day and should reach you with 2-5 working days!
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